Los Angeles for All (a project of Solidarity Research Center) invites you to a conversation on Occupy Wall Street and its legacy for revolutionary movements on Saturday, 8/12/23 at 7:30 PM at the Robinson Space.


Speakers include Marisa Holmes of Occupy Wall Street, Michael Novick from Occupy Los Angeles, Yvonne Yen Liu from Los Angeles People’s Movement Assembly

Together, we will collectively explore questions, such as:

  • Occupy was a broad introduction to the practice of direct democracy for many folks. How do we translate that into daily life and not just revolutionary moments?
  • What are lessons learned from Occupy for the #hotlaborsummer and the strike wave in Los Angeles right now?
  • What is the role and relationship of insurgent movements with established nonprofits and trade unions?

The flow of the evening includes:

  1. Initial framing talks by speakers (8 minutes each)
  2. Small discussion groups (45 minutes)
  3. Break (10 minutes)
  4. Report back (40 minutes)
  5. Closing (10 minutes)

Refreshments will be available for a sliding scale donation.

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